Friday, January 31, 2014

There is a Time for Everything

I love the change of seasons.  My favorite is from fall to winter.  You get the long summer days that end in cold nights.  The change of leaves, the first snow on the mountains (which is my favorite day of the year).  Slowly everything in life slows down, the earth sleeps, getting ready for the new year.  Blankets of snow cover areas that were once just brown ugly dirt, and turn into beautiful, glimmering white.  It always reminds me of how Christ's blood covers our sins and makes everything white as snow.

My second favorite season is winter to spring.  To see little areas of green pop up, bulbs bright in color shooting up through a late snowfall.  It is a reminder to me that with death comes new life and new beginnings.

This is part of why I love living in Bend, OR… because we get all 4 seasons!

These are all pictures taken at drake park in Bend Oregon.  
I did not take these photos or any other photos on this post.

"We all have moments in our lives 

when we sense God is calling us to leave something behind 

in order to lay ahold of something new God has for us."

I (Kelsie) am just finishing up fall and entering into a time of winter in my personal life.  A time of rest and of knowing my Lord deeper without the chaos of summer.  A time of death of things that were once beautiful, so that spring may come and new life may begin.

I have been a part of Crystal Peaks since I was 12 years old.  I took 2 years off to do my own thing (a story of its own) and came back in 2006.  Not long after coming back, I took a leadership role at the ranch and slowly have been taking on more and more responsibility.  I have LOVED it.  The past few years I have been the Director of Operations at CPYR and had the blessing to walk alongside and serve the staff there and help Troy and Kim manage the ranch as they have been pulled away to speak and share the gospel.  It has been a long glorious summer full of joy, life, excitement and change.

Yet, every summer turns into fall.  

In December, Jeff and I started praying about the next season.  Specifically, if I should continue as the Director.  As we prayed both of us felt the Lord was asking me to step down from that position and into a lighter role at the ranch.  I personally fought the answer for quite some time.  I love my job, I love the staff I get to work with, and I can't imagine myself not working and pouring into the ministry at the Ranch full time.  Yet, I knew that the Lord was asking me to lay this gift down for something new (not better or worse, just new).

Toward the end of December, I laid down my desires and stepped down… taking a new position with lighter responsibility and less time at the Ranch.

I have always loved the vibrant colors of fall, however, with that color comes death.  And I rarely have had to sacrifice something this near and dear to my heart.  This fall wasn't so beautiful to me.  I felt like that tree that holds on to their leaves till they can't hold on any more.  Trying to let go as the Lord had asked, but still holding on at the same time.  Slowly each leaf has fallen and the death of that season has come.

So now I start winter.  A time where I believe the Lord is wanting to cover my life in snow.  He is calling me into a deeper relationship with him… to know him more intimately and to trust him.  I believe He will work in me under the surface and soon new life will come springing up from under the snow, under the ground.

This is what I trust in.  I trust that when God asks us to lay down something that is so near and dear to our heart, He has purpose.  And spring always comes after winter… and with it is always new life. 

So, please keep us in your prayers as we walk this new road (especially me).  And I would encourage you who read this, what is the Lord asking you to lay down?  If you are holding on to those last few leaves that are now brown and dead… let them go.  Let the Lord work, and soon there will be new life.

John 12:23-26

But Jesus answered them, saying, "The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified.  Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.  He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.  If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Roller Coaster of 2013

Well it has been a while since I have posted last.  Life for the Woodford's has been much like a roller coaster.  When we first got married both of us were nervous as we stepped into this commitment.  Yet, from the moment we took off a newly weds it has been a fast, wild awesome ride.  We have stayed so busy learning how to be married, both working full-time, moving, fixing up the house and property and now trying to start a little farm on our property.

I first apologize to all those who have been interested in our lives and we haven't shared.  Here are some highlights of 2013:

Probably one of the biggest things that happened in 2013 was that Jeff and I bought our first house.  A log home on 8.5 acres of property.

We have LOVED our new house.  And although it came needing lots of love and work, Jeff and I have enjoyed the challenge.  We are excited to see how this place and the property continue to change and morph as the years go on.

With the 8.5 acres of land that we now have, Jeff and I decided to start a little farm.  Mostly to help us have a sustainable lifestyle, but also to be able to give to those in need or in community with us.  In 2013 we started out having 2 dogs and 3 horses.  By the middle of the year we had added, nine hens, a rooster, three turkeys, two cows and now a third dog (more on him later).

We actually started with 30 chickens… but after nature took a few and we harvested all but one of the roosters we are down to 10 chickens outside in the chicken pen and 7 roosters in our freezer.
Plucking chicken feathers.

Chickens ready to be bagged up and put in the freezer.

I (Kelsie) started a garden this year and we were able to get a lots of potatoes and a few other yummy veggies.  We are already working on this coming years garden!

 We also had the blessing of canning a few things from our garden and a lot from framers market.

Jeff and I both celebrated a birthday, turning 27 years old.  We also celebrated our FIRST anniversary, and we still like each other!  Jeff took us on an awesome surprise road trip around eastern oregon.

We also went fishing a lot and our freezer is stuffed full of salmon, beef, pork, chicken and lamb.

We have had multiple roommates this year.  Julia (previous staff member of the CPYR) lived with us for a few weeks.  Karmel (an volunteer for CPYR from New Zealand) came and lived with us from April to October.  We LOVED being able to enjoy her accent each day. :)  We had a few gals from England come and stay for a week and some gals from California as well.   And we have also had the wonderful Kaysie Patka (my sister) living with us that this fall and winter.  It has been a blessing to have her here at our house.  To actually get to know her now that we are both adults and also for Jeff to be able to get to know his new sister-in-law.
Karmel our Kiwi from New Zealand!

To wrap up the year we bought a new car and are selling Jeff's truck soon.  Our little Camry needs a lot of work, but we are up for the challenge.  Jeff was hired to build two chicken coops for a friend of ours… and he did a fabulous job. Such a good job, that he is going to try to sell more them on craiglist and Facebook:  Does anyone need a chicken coop?

We had our second Christmas together and the first Christmas at our new house.  Jeff's family came over from Springfield and my family came over… and we all celebrated together… it was perfect!  Even through there was no snow.

Oh yeah, as for our new dog.  We officially have a new member of the dog family… at least right now. He is still on trial for us.  What is his story?  Well, that will have to be another day and another time. :)

What a great year for the Woodfords.  We are both thankful for 2013 and excited for the new year, new seasons and new adventures that 2014 brings!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Farm Life

Well it has been awhile since I posted... and much as changed.

The Woodford's are LOVING their new home!  :)  We are SOOOO excited.  There is much work to be done on the house and property... but it is ours!

Life on the farm is not as easy or romantic as it sounds... :)  yet we are enjoying every minute.

Each morning Jeff wakes up before dawn to get ready and start working on whatever project he has going.  So far he has finished the acre that fences in our horses and cows, put together raise beds for my garden and right now he is working on the chicken coop and run!

He usually wakes me up to say good morning and as I hear him leave I roll over and close my eyes.

About 6:00 I get up and am off to get the chores done.  Let the chickens out, feed and water them.

I usually come in and spend some time in the Word, sipping on coffee as the sun rises higher and higher  in the sky.  After that I am at a full run it seems... make breakfast, milk the cow, change the irrigation and make lunch.  Usually I have just finishing about the time to run out the door to work.

Although it is a lot of work Jeff and I are still loving being on our little farm!  :)

Below are some old pictures of the house, our garden and the old chicken coop...

Jeff's first chicken coop that he made himself... after we bought all the chicks we had to upgrade.  Photo's of the new chicken coop are on their way soon...  Not sure what the plan is for this one, may look at selling it, if someone needs one.

Jeff creating my garden!!  Which is doing much better then I thought it would! 
An old pump house that we made into garden shed.

Our sweet Keona dog... 
excited about the new house and ready for the farm life adventure.

The inside of our house. This was right after we moved in and we were living in the living room!  See if you can find Jeff?  That is one of his favorite hiding places.  He loves to sneak up there and try to scare me!  He has not succeeded yet... his dog always gives him away.  :)

Our AWESOME mom's who have helped us do a lot of the not so fun work on the house.  Thank you both for all your help.  We LOVE you!

Thank you to all those who have helped us continue to make this home our own!

More and new pictures coming soon!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fowl Play at the Woodfords

I know, I know it has been too long since I have written a blog.

Here is an update on our chickens and turkeys!

This spring we ordered 30 chicks from a hatchery and bought 3 turkeys as well.  As chicks they were so fun to hold and play with... but quickly they grew from the cute little chicks to ugly teenage chickens.  Moving to the farm we had only lost a few to sickness.  We were excited to finally let them out of their coop and allow them to see the world and run free during the day.

Day 1:  The chickens were out enjoying their day when out of the sky came a hawk and BAM.......

I heard the birds yelling, and went running outside to find 2 dead and ravens and hawks flying about.  Yelling and throwing sticks at them I chased them away.

Week 2: We were down in California for my cousins wedding.  When we had gotten back the wonderful girl who was housesitting for us, share the sad story of finding 5 more dead and a turkey had wondered off during the day...

I went out to see the damage and found one of our teenage chicks inside the coop not looking so well.  He or she had been attacked... and her leg was almost all gone.  Bringing her inside I quickly decided that we were going to loose her unless we amputated her leg.  The surgury took no time at all (since her leg was small and almost gone) but she spent the next couple weeks inside the house recovering.

**She is now out with the rest of the chickens as happy as can be.  Julia (one of the gals living with us at that time) named him/her Braveheart**

Week 3: After the second massacre, Jeff and I decided it was time to keep the chicks inclosed.  Jeff took a night and put together a redneck chicken run off of their coop.  So far it has worked to keep the ravens and hawks away.

I woke up to do the chores one morning, while Braveheart was still recovering in our house.  I walked out to the chicken coop only to find a sad, sad sight.  Something had dug under the coop and killed two chickens and our last two turkeys while they slept!  

That day we quickly placed plywood down under the coops so the animals wouldn't be able to dig under...

So here we are now, just over a month in our new house and we have gone from 30 chicks and 3 turkeys down to 16 chicks and 1 one-legged chick.

Oh the reality of living in the country on a farm....

More happier news to come soon.  Below are pictures of Braveheart our one-legged chicken.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Meet Annabelle and Millie

Here are the newest members of our farm.  Our two Dexter cows!!

Meet Annabelle...

and Millie...

Our little Dexter cows are only 3 1/2 feet tall (full grown).  They are both 3 years old.  

Dexter's are a pretty cool breed.  They are used for 3 major things.  Pulling, meat and also milk!  

I (Kelsie) found them on craigslist on Saturday, April 6th.  The owners needed to re-home them because they had too many animals.  They hadn't ever been handled and it took us about an hour to get them in our trailer.  That first week we kept them in a small round pen.   

Each day we would go outside (morning and night) and work on getting closer and closer to them.  Annabelle was growing fond of receiving grain every morning.  While she was eating grain she stood quietly allowing me to milk her.  Her calf has been off of her for about a month now, so she is almost dried but.  Yet, it is good practice for her to stand still and let us milk.  

Millie on the other hand was quite skeptical of us.  She would eat grain out of your hand or the bucket, but if you tried to touch her she would run.  She just left her calf when we bought them, and so unlike Annabelle, Milly is full of milk.  We knew we had to get a halter on her to be able to touch, groom and milk her.

A few nights after we got them we worked on getting halters on.  Annabelle was easy to get it on.  Millie on the other hand was a handful!  Jeff was excited to be a cowboy and rope her.  After she was roped it still took about 30 minutes until she wore herself out and laid down.  I was able to walk up to her at that point and place a halter on her.  

That next morning they were both easy to catch and to my surprise Millie with the help of a head catch let us milk her!  We are able to get about a quart a milk from her and the chickens, cows and our coffee mugs LOVE her!  

Now a week later, we milk Millie twice a day (we are letting Annabelle dry up) and have about a 1/2 gallon of fresh milk each day.  We are looking forward to breeding them later this spring and excited to be able to provide beef for our family and others. 

We have all the animals we need... 31 chickens, 3 turkeys, 2 cows, 2 dogs and 2 horses.  Now all we need to do is move on to our property!

 (Jeff excited to have a cow!)

 (Jeff milking for the first time... super exciting)

(Jeff's hands got tired so he called for help.  Millie in our little catch that Jeff made)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thanksgiving Dinner Now in Our Living Room

Well, the Woodford's are at it again... growing our little farm.

Not long after Jeff and I started dating we talked about what we wanted in a home.  Very quickly we realized that we both wanted to live off of the land, be as self sufficient as we can.  And also in that be able to allow the Lord to use it as a ministry to those around us.  We both desired to have a small farm if possible.

I never imagined it would happen this fast.  Not to mention before we are even in our own home.  Yet the Lord keeps giving us opportunities to grow our little farm.

So first an update on our little chicks.

Our chicks are growing so much. The cute little fluff balls have now grown into awkward chicks.  They are not so cute anymore and they aren't as nice to look at as full sized chickens.  (all of us go through those years...) But we are enjoying them so much.  We have moved them out of our house into a small chicken coop in the carport.  Ready to be transported when we move!

You would think we would be missing the chirps of the chicks but we are not.  We have added 3 new little birds to our flock.   



Our sweet turkeys are slowly wiggling their way into our hearts.  They love to be held and enjoy being stuffed into your sweatshirt pocket and carted around everywhere.  

I will be sad this fall when we harvest them, yet I know that this is the reason we have them.  

Meet Stuffy (aka Stuffing), 


Jibs (Giblets) 

  and Lark.

Monday, March 11, 2013

New Additions to the Woodford Family

Although there have been many hard things in our lives lately... today is a day to celebrate life!  We our officially parents of 26 little baby chicks.  We received the phone call early this morning that our chicks had made it safe from St. Louis, MO and were waiting for us at the post office.  

With such excitement we headed over there as soon as we could.  Walking in the doors we stood quietly in line... when the post office was quiet we could hear little peeps coming from the back.  Jeff and I continued to look at each other smiling bigger and bigger as the time passed.

Finally we received our peeping box and headed home with 26 little treasures inside!

Pulling each one out of the box... we counted to make sure that we received all of them... and YES, there were 26 in the box!!

6 Mottled Houdans, 7 Americanas, 5 Silver Gray Dorkings, 5 Blue Laced Wyandottes, and 3 Buff Orpingtons... 

as you can tell we were both SOOOO excited!

As we pulled them out the chicks got so excited.  Excited to eat, drink and move around!!  Here is a little video of our new addition to the family. 

Now we just get to sit back and watch them grow.  They are keeping us entertained already with their cute personalities.  We'll keep you updated as Woodford Family Farm continues to grow...